28 Φεβ 2013

Intel Extreme Masters. ''5-9th March at CeBIT in Hanover''

Mvp faces Stephano at the World Championship
Intel Extreme Masters World Championship will see the 24 best StarCraft II players of the Season 2012-13 competing for the win. Since gamescom in August 2012 these players have played all over the globe in order to qualify for the World Championship, which will take place from the 5-9th of March at CeBIT in Hanover.

The StarCraft II Groupstage

Reigning champion MC will go against the winner of Katowice, First, in Group B. Meanwhile gamescom champion Mvp faces stiff European competition in Group D from TLO, Stephano and Grubby.

The Top 3 of each group will advance into the playoffs with the group winners going directly into the quarter-final.

In case any of the qualified players are not able to participate, their spots will be filled according to the ranking.

They will be replaced with the next player in the ranking that has not received a spot in the World Championship. In case of teams or players directly qualified through being the best of their region, the next best team from that region that is not yet qualified will receive their spot.

Intel Extreme Masters World Championship

The Intel Extreme Masters World Championship will feature a total cash prize of $250,000 for League of Legends and StarCraft II. Players and teams from all over the world have qualified through the various stops around the globe and will clash at CeBIT, Hanover, March 5th to 9th.

14 Φεβ 2013

VasaCast Invitational 2013 February 16th - 17th

VasaCast Invitational 2013  February 16th - 17th

VasaCast Invitational 2013 | February 16th - 17th
Vasacast Invitational is the first international tournament entirely organized by VasaCast, an Italian casting duo known for its flamboyant style and its creative use of audio clips during matches. Its goal is to promote StarCraft II in Italy, while offering everyone else awesome matches, top-notch players and a live casting coverage in 6 languages.
The tournament will kick off on Saturday 16 February at 15:00 CEST and will end on Sunday 17 February.
The Invitational Tournament will include 16 players, chosen amongst the best worldwide players: 3 slots have been reserved for Italian players, and an additional slot was offered to the winner of the Italian Open Tournament, while another 2 slots were reserved for the South American players that managed to qualify to the Invitational through the South American Open Tournament (replay packs are available for both the Italian and the South American qualifiers).
Let's have a look at the complete lineup of the participants that will fight for a prize pool of 3,000 USD:
DongRaeGu HerO HuK IdrA
HerO IdrA Rain HuK
LucifroN HerO Rain ThorZain
LucifroN LucifroN Rain ThorZain
For more information on the event, please visit the official TeamLiquid page.
Main Caster - Italian Vasacasthttp://www.twitch.tv/vasacast
Main Caster English JoRoSaR: http://www.twitch.tv/vasacast_stream2

Community Streams
Brazilian - Pedroca.Tv: http://www.pedrocatv.com.br/ao-vivo
Spanish - The Argie: http://www.twitch.tv/theargietv
Russian - EmpireTv.Zerg: http://www.twitch.tv/empiretvzerg
Russian - EmpireTv.Peptar: http://www.twitch.tv/empiretvpeptar
Polish - ZeddSC http://www.twitch.tv/zeddsc
Polish - eMsc2 http://www.twitch.tv/emstarcraft
Schedule & Brackets
Saturday 16th February
15:00 - 19:00 CEST Round of 16
21:00 - 23:00 CEST Round of 8
Sunday 17th February
17:00 - 19:00 CEST Round of 4
21:00 - 22:00 CEST Final Third/Fourth place
22:00 CEST Grand Final

7 Φεβ 2013


Οπως πολλοί γνωρίζετε, είμαι ένας ταλαντούχος Pro Gamer αλλά και ένας καταπληκτικός τεχνικός υπολογιστικών συστημάτων.
Αυτό που όμως φαντάζεστε αλλά δεν το γνωρίζετε, είναι ότι είμαι και πολύ καλός Hacker, ύπουλος και υποχθόνιος!!!
Μετά από ένα Underground σερφάρισμα ανακάλυψα ένα βρωμερό project που ονομάζεται BLACKSTONE και το έχουν καταστρώσει οι βρωμεροί Terran, για να δημιουργήσουν πιθανώς ένα υβρίδιο ή κάποιο είδος αυτοθεραπείας.
Σας παραθέτω τον σύνδεσμο αλλά δεν θα σας αποκαλύψω τον κωδικό πρόσβασης διότι είναι πιθανών να κινδυνεύσει η σωματική σας ακεραιότητα αν αποκτήσετε πρόσβαση στα απόρρητα έγγραφα.

