23 Ιουν 2012

Liquid Rising" documentary

We're excited to finally release the "Liquid Rising" documentary. We feel that Liquid is a special team, and our players have a story that all StarCraft fans will be interested in hearing. We hope you all enjoy the movie!
Πολύ καλό documentary δείτε το!!

15 Ιουν 2012

Diablo III Real-Money Auction House Now Available in Europe

Real-Money Auction House Now Available in Europe
 Original Post : http://eu.battle.net/d3/en/blog/5187315/

by Blizzard Entertainment
                                                                The real-money auction house is now available in Europe! With the real-money auction house, players will be able to buy and sell the loot they find in the game using actual currency from approved third-party payment services or using their Battle.net Balance.
Please keep in mind that players will only have access to the real-money auction house while playing in their home region. That means that, for characters created outside of your home region, items cannot be bought or sold in any real-money auction house.
To access the real-money auction house, click on the “Auction House” button on the left-hand side of character campaign screen and then on the button in the upper right-hand corner of the auction house interface. This will switch you between the gold- and real-money auction house.

Before you get started, here are a few important things to keep in mind:

    Regional Auction Houses and Global Play
Players will only have access to the real-money auction house while playing in their home game region (Americas or Europe only), and characters created outside of your home region will not be able to buy, sell, or use items from any real-money auction house. Your home game region, along with which real-money auction houses you have access to, are determined by the country of residence registered to your Battle.net® account. By default, Battle.net will automatically determine the most appropriate real-money auction house for you, but players in some regions may be able to access auction houses for additional currencies in their region via the in-games Options menu. Additionally, in Europe and Russia the real-money auction house is only available for those aged 18 and above.

    Account Security Requirements
We also wanted to remind you of a few important security measures you'll be required to use in order to access certain real-money auction house features:

    Players who wish to use Battle.net Balance to buy and sell items will need to attach a physical Battle.net Authenticator or Battle.net Mobile Authenticator app to their Battle.net account. Specifically, an Authenticator is required in order to charge up your Battle.net Balance through Battle.net account management or to select Battle.net Balance as the destination for your auction proceeds.
    Those who wish to use PayPal™ (available in certain regions) to buy items or receive the proceeds of their auctions will need to sign up for our Battle.net SMS Protect service. With Battle.net SMS Protect, you'll occasionally receive a text message on your mobile phone when making PayPal-related transactions; this message contains a code that you must then enter to proceed with your transaction.

Even if you don't plan on using the real-money auction house, we encourage everyone to consider adding these extra layers of protection to their Battle.net account.

The real-money auction house will initially launch with equipment trading only (i.e., weapons, armor, and other such gear) -- we'll bring commodities online as soon as possible. As mentioned earlier, we want to make sure that commodity trading remains quick, stable, and reliable. The team is hard at work on this, and we’ll provide another update once commodities are ready.

    Item Delivery and "Processing" Purchases
Occasionally, players may have to wait for a period of time before an item or any commodities they purchased in the real-money auction house arrives in their "Completed" tab. While we expect a majority of real-money auction house purchases to be delivered to buyers immediately, in some circumstances, we will need to hold items for delivery while we conduct a review of the transaction. Held items will show as “Processing” until the review is complete.
To learn more about the auction house system (including how to select your currency), check out the comprehensive Auction House Guide and Auction House FAQ.

9 Ιουν 2012

Heart of the Swarm: New Units and Abilities

Original Post Teamliquid: http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=343491

New Units and Abilities

Courtesy of Blizzard

This document lists the new units and abilities in the MLG Spring Championship preview build of StarCraft® II: Heart of the Swarm™. Please keep in mind that Heart of the Swarm is still in development, and all of the units and abilities you see described below are subject to change. It's even possible that some of these units and abilities will be discarded and new ones will be created to replace them as we continue to iterate on the game design. What we've listed below is just a snapshot of where we currently stand on multiplayer Heart of the Swarm.


Upon analyzing data from their most recent battles, the protoss have identified a few areas of improvement that would help them maximize effectiveness against their enemies. Based on their findings, the protoss have augmented their arsenal with an extremely long-range attacker, additional psionic units, and a new form of enemy harassment.


Description: The tempest is a new capital ship that can fire at both ground and air targets from long range, doing additional damage to massive units. A further range upgrade can be researched to give the Tempest the ability to fire from incredible distances.
  • Note: Starts at range 10, increases to 22 range with upgrade (compared to 13 for siege tanks). Said to have relatively low DPS to balance it out.


Description: The Oracle is a psionic warship, built from a Stargate, that uses several unique abilities to raid and harass the enemy. The first is Entomb, which can temporarily block mineral fields from being harvested. Another ability, Preordain, grants detection and vision around a targeted building, allowing the protoss to see which units or technologies are being researched. Rounding out its kit is Cloak Field, which temporarily cloaks everything around the Oracle.
  • Note: The cloaking has a mana cost and is temporary. It isn't a permanent passive like the mothership. Preordain has a 30 sec duration in this build, but it's been tweaked a lot.

Mothership Core

Description: The Mothership Core is unique in more ways than one. Only a single one can exist in your army at once and it's also immobile, attaching itself to a nexus. There are four abilities available from the Mothership Core. Teleport allows you to move the Mothership Core to any of your other nexuses. Energize tops off the energy stores of any target unit or structure. Purify is a defensive ability that temporarily grants the Mothership Core a powerful, long range attack. Finally, Mass Recall allows players to quickly recall units back to the Mothership Core.


Description: It's not really a new unit in Heart of the Swarm, but the Mothership abilities are slightly different from Wings of Liberty. The passive cloaking field is gone, with the cloak now available as an activated ability on the Oracle. The Mothership retains its Recall ability, and the Vortex spell from Wings of Liberty now affects ground units only. A new ability called Stasis is available, which puts the mothership and all air units around it into stasis for about 20 seconds. The Mothership is now created by upgrading the Mothership Core after a Fleet Beacon is constructed.

**In the current multiplayer build of Heart of the Swarm, the Protoss are not able to deploy Carriers. However, we have not yet made a final determination on the Carrier's status..


The resourceful terrans have also been improving their technology to better survive their battles in the Koprulu sector.

Widow Mine

Description: The Widow Mine is a new suicide unit built from the Factory that allows the terran player to control areas of the battlefield. The Widow Mine moves into position and sets to stationary mode, which burrows and activates it. When an enemy air or ground unit moves into range, the Widow Mine briefly flashes before moving and attaching itself to that unit. After several seconds, the mine detonates, dealing 200 damage to the unit and a smaller amount of damage to units in the surrounding area.
  • Note: Dustin Browder expects that with practice, pro-level players will almost always be able to remove the mined units away from the rest of their unit cluster.


Description: The Warhound is a walking ground mech that is specialized as an anti-mechanical weapon. Smaller and more nimble than a Thor, the Warhound has a standard weapon to hit ground. Its true strength is an additional ability that fires powerful missiles at ground-based mechanical units, making it particularly well suited to taking out enemy siege lines and many protoss ground units.
  • Note: anti-mech missiles auto-launch at mechanical units independent of the warhound's normal attack.

New Abilities

The Hellion has been upgraded to a transforming unit similar to the Viking. When constructed from the factory, the Hellion spawns in its new battle mode, which gives it additional hit points and a stronger flame attack that covers a short forward-facing arc. This makes the Hellion more effective in late-game fights against large clusters of light units such as Zealots. The player can opt to transform the Hellion into its original, more mobile form as well.

In Heart of the Swarm, the Battlecruiser gains a cooldown-based speed-boost ability called Redline Reactor. Finally, the Reaper no longer has a special building attack. Instead, it gains a passive health-regeneration upgrade that allows it to recharge hit points quickly when out of combat.


The zerg continue to evolve and adapt to changing environments, particularly the dangers they face on the battlefield. New creatures will help the zerg stage more effective sieges and add unique enemy-manipulating abilities to their arsenal.


Description: The Viper is a new flying unit with three unique abilities. Blinding Cloud temporarily reduces the attack range of biological ground units inside the cloud to melee range. Abduct allows the Viper to physically pull a unit to the Viper’s location. Finally, the Viper can use Consume, a channeled ability that allows it to gain some energy back at the expense of damage to your own zerg building.

Swarm Host

Description: The Swarm Host is a slow-moving ground unit that has no standard attack. When burrowed, the Swarm Host spawns a continuous stream of slow-moving units called Locusts that can be used to lay siege and pressure entrenched enemy positions.

New Abilities

Ultralisks have a new Burrow Charge skill that lets them dive underground and quickly surface at a target, allowing them to initiate the fight faster on a crowded battlefield. However, its "frenzy" passive from Wings of Liberty has been removed, meaning the Ultralisk can now be snared by abilities like Fungal Growth. The Overseer has been retained from Wings of Liberty, and changelings can now be spawned from siege range. Finally, the Hydralisk has a new upgrade that allows them to move faster while not on creep.

StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm - Multiplayer Unit

StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm - Multiplayer Unit Update

Day[9] (Protoss vs Zerg)

2 Ιουν 2012

The Patch 1.5.0 Arcade Beta Has Begun

The Patch 1.5.0 Arcade Beta Has Begun

Original Post : http://us.battle.net/sc2/en/blog/6176111/The_Patch_150_Arcade_Beta_Has_Begun-6_1_2012#blog

                    The Patch 1.5.0 Beta introduces an entirely new Battle.net experience: the Arcade. The Arcade offers exciting new ways to find and play your favorite custom games -- and discover new favorites too -- with the option to search for games based on categories including genre, star ratings, release date, and more. After you’ve found a game that you’re interested in, the new Game Info page will provide you with all the information you need to know before you dive in, including a description, screenshots, instructions, patch notes, tutorials, as well as star ratings and reviews provided by your fellow players. The Open Games list will help keep wait times down by displaying games that are waiting for players too.
Patch 1.5.0 also introduces a new streaming launcher that should make download, installation, and patching times shorter than ever before, as well as an incredible array of editor changes and improvements.
When you log into the beta, you’ll find the Arcade has games available to play, because the industrious StarCraft II custom gaming community has already been hard at work crafting, refining, and posting their creations.
Now’s your chance to explore the Arcade Beta to play, rate, and review their contributions. To access the new beta test, just visit your Battle.net account management page and install the Arcade (1.5) Beta that you’ll find in the Game Accounts section. Your feedback is an important part of the beta process, so after you’ve played some games, rated them, and written a review or two, please visit the official forums to share your opinions on the new Arcade Beta General Discussion forum, or report any bugs you’ve discovered on the Arcade Beta Bug Report forum.
Visit our forums to read the full patch notes for the Arcade Beta.
Please note: While the beta installer is available to all players, the Patch 1.5.0 Arcade Beta will only be available in the following client languages: English, German, French, and Korean. The final patch release will be available in all languages as usual.