21 Απρ 2012

DreamHack EIZO Open Stockholm April 21-22

The first event of DreamHack EIZO Open will be held in the European Capital of eSports – Stockholm, Sweden. On April 21-22 we open the doors to Annexet in direct connection to Ericsson Globe, where we have room for over 2,300 people in the seated audience. DreamHack EIZO Open is a two day experience with two unique flavors. Ticket release 14.00 CET Tuesday 27th of March.
DreamHack is back in Stockholm with The World’s best eSports Show. This time we move to a bigger venue, Annexet (part of Stockholms no.1 Sports- and Entertainment District Stockholm Globe Arenas) with 2,300 individual seats. DreamHack will offer a two day experience with two unique flavors.
Day 1 opens up with the group stage in a tournament area where the audience can get up and close to the players, watch matches on-site and meet the Stars in fan meetings etc. Day 2 is a full StarCraft stage-show as seen on DreamHack Invitational in 2011, but now upgraded and improved, for example with a 12 metre 16:9-projection screen! Both days are included in the ticket price of only SEK 199.

Watch live video from Official DreamHack Stream on www.twitch.tv Watch live video from GLHF.tv on www.twitch.tv Watch live video from IMBAtv on www.twitch.tv Watch live video from esvtvdh on www.twitch.tv Watch live video from EmpireTV on www.justin.tv Watch live video from JoRoSaR's Starcraft Stream on www.twitch.tv Watch live video from stimstarcraft on www.twitch.tv Watch live video from PGL on www.twitch.tv

Diablo® III Open Beta Weekend


                                         Diablo® III Open Beta Weekend

                    We're pleased to announce the Diablo III open beta weekend, which offers open access to all players with a valid Battle.net account! Beginning this Friday everyone is invited to log in and help us put the game and servers through their paces in this three day stress test as we march toward the game's release on May 15. You can begin downloading the Diablo III client right now!
From Friday, April 20 at 12:01 p.m. PDT (noon), until Monday, April 23 at 10:00 a.m. PDT you'll be able to log in, team up with friends, and play each of the five heroic classes to level 13 as you fight to save the world from the impending demonic invasion.

What steps do I need to take?

    Log in or create a Battle.net account at http://www.battle.net
    Create your BattleTag™, which is required to play Diablo III (What is BattleTag?)
    Download the beta client, install, and play between 12:01 p.m. PDT April 20 and 10:00 a.m. PDT April 23

I don't have a Battle.net account -- can I still play?

Absolutely! Just visit http://www.battle.net to create a free Battle.net account. Next, download the client from https://us.battle.net/account/download/index.xml and install it. Create your BattleTag, and then log in to the game using your Battle.net account name (email address) and password to begin slaughtering the demonic hellspawn that dare stand in your way.
Are there any differences for stress test participants versus invited closed beta testers?

Stress test participants will only be able to access the beta between Friday, April 20 at 12:01 p.m. PDT (noon), and Monday, April 23 at 10:00 a.m. PDT. In addition, stress test participants will not have access to post in the beta forums and will not be provided Beta Bucks for use in testing the currency-based auction house.
Can all regions/countries participate?

Due to regional differences and features of the stress test client, Korean players will not be able to partake in the stress test weekend. However, beginning the week of April 23, we will be conducting a separate, invitation-only closed beta test that will give players in Korea a chance to try out the game, along with players in the regions of Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Macau.
What if the service is down/laggy/disconnecting me?

It's very possible that players connecting to the stress test could experience issues with the service. While not ideal, this is exactly why we're having a stress test. We want to catch and analyze as many bugs as possible during this stress test period, so that we can try to ensure a smooth launch on May 15.
I'm having an issue, how can I get help?

Due to the limited window of the stress test we encourage you to visit the Technical Support or Mac Technical Support forums if you're having any issues running the game, and checking the Known Issues list if you're running into a bug. As a stress test participant you will not be able to post in the beta forums.
What platforms and languages do you support?

For the stress test we're offering the client in English, French, and German for both Windows and Mac. At release the game will be fully localized into English, Latin American Spanish, Brazilian Portuguese, French, German, European Spanish, Italian, Polish, Korean, and Traditional Chinese for Windows, and English, French, and German for Mac.
I'm an invited closed beta tester, what happens after the stress test weekend ends?

As an invited closed beta tester you'll continue to have access until the beta ends on May 1.

20 Απρ 2012


Με χαρά σας ανακοινώνω τα διπλά ονόματα διάφορων παικτών του GT team για να τιμήσουμε τη γαλλική επανάσταση:

GTwErTokLeO ---> GTcleclault (ζετέ κλεκλό)
GTregulator ---> GTzozault (ζετέ ζοζό)
GTharroSTank ---> GTcocault (ζετέ κοκό)
GTpRiNcE ---> GTcocola (ζετέ κοκολά)

PS: GTshirac παραμένει ως έχει

19 Απρ 2012

HSL Roccat Greek Allstar Invitational

"" Κυριακή 22 Απριλίου 2012 ""
16 παίχτες για το HSL Roccat Greek Allstar Invitational, και αναλυτικά οι λεπτομέρειες της διοργάνωσης :
Στις 17:00 ξεκινάμε το online coverage της διοργάνωσης με 2 κανάλια. HSL TV1 με StavrosHL/NIB και HSL TV2 με Ζok.
1.Roccat AllStar Invitational
Το τουρνουά θα ξεκινήσει την προκαθορισμένη ώρα (17:00), χωρίς καμμία καθυστέρηση. Όσοι δεν παρευρίσκονται έγκαιρα στο battlenet κανάλι μας (HSL) χάνουν το δικαίωμα συμμετοχής. Oι συμμετέχοντες θα πρέπει να είναι
30 λεπτά νωρίτερα στο battle.net (HSL κανάλι) ώστε να γίνει επικύρωση της συμμετοχής τους.
brackets θα οριστούν με Seeding υπό κριτήρια που καθορίζει το HSL admin team κι είναι οριστικά κατά την έκδοση τους.

 2. Mappool / Format and Map Selection
Round of 16 - BΟ3
Round of 8 - BΟ5
Round of 4 - BO5
Finals - BO7
Bronze MAtch - BO5
- Το Map-pool είναι το παρακάτω:
Ohana LE v1.0 By Blizzard
Cloud Kingdom LE by Blizzard
Shakuras Plateau By Blizzard
Korhal Compound LE by Blizzard
ESL Entombed Valley By ESL
GSL Antiga Shipyard By TeamClash
GSL Daybreak By TeamClash
GSL Metropolis By TeamClash
GSL Atlantis Spaceship By TeamClash
1) Σε Ολους του γυρους γινεται VOTE – OUT μέχρι να μείνουν τα MAPS που αντιστοιχουν στον αριθμο των μεγιστων sets που μπορει να παιχτουν. Π.χ. Σε Bo5 γινεται Vote-Out μεχρι να μεινουν 5 Maps.
2) To Vote-Out το ξεκινάει το Higher Seed.
3) To πρώτο Map , από τα εναπομείναντα του Vote-Out είναι επιλογη του Higher Seed.
4) Tα επόμενα Maps , από τα εναπομείναντα , είναι επιλογη του χαμένου ( Loser’s pick next )

Prize Pool
Ο 1ος νικητής της διοργάνωσης κερδίζει 150 Ευρώ σε μετρητά.
Ο 2ος νικητής της διοργάνωσης κερδίζει 50 Ευρώ σε μετρητά και ROCCAT VIRE MOBILE COMMUNICATION GAMING HEADSET
O 3oς νικητής της διοργάνωσης κερδίζει ένα ROCCAT Sota Granular Gaming Mousepad αξίας 25 €






7 Απρ 2012

αλλαγή στο match-making

We’ve been closely monitoring the quality of match-making since StarCraft II was released to make sure that the ladder offers the most exciting and finely tuned competitive experience possible. It’s been a great success, and because of the small skill gap between competing players, most games are tightly contested. While it’s awesome that most games are very close, this also means that both players need to constantly be at the top of their games, because the slightest mistake usually means defeat. While we think this is a fun way to play, we’re not sure if it’s fun for every match to be this way.
As a one-season experiment, we will be relaxing the match-making settings slightly in Season 7 to introduce more variety into the ladder. In practical terms, this means you won't always be evenly matched with your opponent. You'll regularly compete with players at slightly higher or lower skill levels, to make the experience more well-rounded. These adjustments to the match-making system will also offer a chance to potentially get promoted more quickly, so stringing together wins versus more skilled opponents could potentially result in faster league promotions.
As always, we will be monitoring the effects of these changes and tweaking the match-making settings to improve upon the match-making system going forward. We’re excited to hear about your experiences and we’re looking forward to your feedback about these changes once Season 7 begins.
See you on the ladder!

Για σχόλια αλλά και για περισσότερες λεπτομέρειες www.starcraft2.gr 

4 Απρ 2012

Razer Academy

Razer Academy
To Razer Academy είναι μια νέα ιστοσελίδα που έχει δημιουργηθεί από επαγγελματίες gamers για την εκπαίδευση των νεοεισελθέντων στο …άθλημα, με υπέρτατο σκοπό την βελτίωσή τους.
Εάν ψάχνετε, λοιπόν, ένα μέρος για να μάθετε να καλλιεργείτε τις δυνατότητές σας στο gaming το Academy της Razer είναι αυτό που θέλετε.
Η ιστοσελίδα θα περιέχει άρθρα, συνεντεύξεις, εκπαιδευτικά βίντεο και συζητήσεις πάνω σε εξειδικευμένες τεχνικές gaming, αναλυτικές περιγραφές για να βελτιώσετε τις επιδόσεις σας σε διάφορα παιχνίδια, tips για να στήσετε το ιδανικό gaming PC κτλπ.
Μέχρι στιγμής υπάρχουν διάφορες κατηγορίες ανά παιχνίδι μεταξύ των οποίων και για τα League of Legends, Street Fighter 4, World of Warcraft, DOTA 2 και StarCraft 2 ενώ συνέχεια προστίθενται περισσότερα.
Όσοι ενδιαφέρονται μπορούν να επισκεφτούν το Razer Academy εδώ.

πηγή: http://www.techgear.gr/razer-academy-41223/

2 Απρ 2012

Season 7 Ladder Map Update

  Season 7 Ladder Map Update

                    Starting with Season 4, we began experimenting with prioritizing tournament-style maps on the StarCraft II ladder. Then in Season 6 we gave player-created maps the spotlight. Now, in Season 7, GSL tournament maps take the stage.
We ran a poll that allowed players from every region to vote on two GSL tournament maps to join the official ladder, as well as a poll to determine which map would be retired from the pool. The voting was close, but in the end three maps emerged victorious from the fray, while one will finally retire.
Season 7, which begins in the week of April 9, brings with it the following changes to the existing map pool -- though you can prepare for the new maps before the season starts by playing them as Custom Games:
Map being removed:
(4) The Shattered Temple

The poll results were clear: the time has come to retire The Shattered Temple from the official ladder.
Maps being added:

(2) Daybreak LE

 (4) Metropolis LE

(2) Ohana LE

By IronmanSC and the other members of the ESV Mapmaking Team
Thank you all for helping us shape the Season 7 ladder by participating in these groundbreaking polls. We will continue to mix up the map lineup on the StarCraft II ladder to keep things fresh, and we’ll also maintain our focus on tournament-viable maps to ensure the fiercest competition. Maps that don’t make the cut will be replaced by maps that meet the standards set by major tournaments all around the globe.
See you on the ladder!

Season 6 Lock Incoming

         Season 6 Lock
What does this mean for you? During the Season 6 lock, you can no longer be promoted or demoted out of your current league or division, and your bonus pool will stop growing. Once locked to a league and division, you'll still be able to play out your remaining bonus pool and compete for standing within your division until the end of the season, so it's a great time to enjoy yourself and maybe even push for a better milestone. If you're pursuing a league promotion, then you still have a little time left! The Season 6 lock will go into effect on Wednesday, April 4, 05:30 CEST.
Please note that the hidden ratings used to determine promotions and demotions will continue to update during the Season 6 lock and be used for matchmaking purposes. This means that if you play significantly better or worse than your assigned league at the time of the lock, your league may change when Season 7 begins and you play your first placement match. If you go on a winning streak during the lock, for example, you may end up promoted next season. On the other hand, if you happen to lose a lot more than usual, then you could end up demoted. The bottom line is that your games during the lock still count!
Season 7 Start Date
The Season 6 lock also means that Season 7 is right around the corner. During the week of April 9, Season 6 will end and Season 7 will begin. Season milestone rewards will be locked in at this time, and bonus pools will reset. Hidden skill ratings used for matchmaking and league placement will carry over from the previous season, so if you've completed placement matches in a previous season you will only need to play one new placement match after Season 7 starts.          

1 Απρ 2012